NoticesBSOMES Subscription Renewal 2023-2025
The membership subscription for Apr 2023 to Mar 2025 is due. You can either settle the subscription by Paypal or credit card via Paypal via website or renewal form.
Your early renewal will help us to plan for the future. Let's keep growing together!
Please check email now and contact membership committee via or WhatsApp 5281 8074 for enquiry.
NoticesProperty & Facility Management (PFM) Stream – Ordinary Member
Fellow & Corporate Members who are working in the property and facility management field and meet the requirements are encouraged to join the PFM stream as Ordinary Member, starting from 1 Jan 2022.
NewsPMSA announced BSOMES as Recognized Professional Body
We are pleasure to announces that Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) has recognised Property and Facility Management Stream membership of the Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executive Society as one of the Recognised Professional Bodies (RPB) on 10 June 2021.
The criteria for applying Property Management Practitioner (PMP) (Tier 1 ) license should refer to the PMSA webpage:
NewsBSOMES Video on Retro-Commissioning
BSOMES has produced a series of video on retro-commissioning to provide simple way for improving energy efficiency. They will be publish in BSOMES Youtube Channel.