I’m truly excited and honored to step into the role of President of the Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (BSOMES) for the 2024/2026 session.
First off, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your incredible support and commitment to BSOMES. Each one of you plays a crucial role in shaping our industry and community. Your expertise and passion not only enhance our field but also help foster a culture of excellence and innovation among us. A special shout-out to our Immediate Past President, Ir Wommy Wong, and his amazing team for their hard work in guiding us through the challenges of the past two years!
My team and I are dedicated to our mission of building strong partnerships with government departments, academia, other professional bodies, and NGOs. Together, we can create a sustainable future for our industry and our community. It’s essential that we share our knowledge and professionalism with the next generation, so they can continue advancing our field. We’ll be collaborating closely with academic institutions to organize workshops and seminars for students, keeping the learning journey vibrant and engaging.
In recent years, the importance of energy saving and sustainability has really come to the forefront. The building sector plays a significant role in reducing environmental impact, and we should continually explore innovative technologies and practices that enhance operational efficiency. By prioritizing energy efficiency in our operations, we not only cut costs but also contribute significantly to the fight against climate change.
Thank you once again for your dedication and involvement over the years, which has allowed BSOMES to thrive and grow. I’m looking forward to continuing this journey with all of you and can’t wait to see you at our upcoming events!