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Circular on Safety of Flammable Refrigerants
In view of the recent upward trend of using the low global warming potential but flammable refrigerants in air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment in some parts of the world, EMSD would like to re-circulate the circular to draw your particular attention.
Moreover, you are welcome to visit a Flammable Refrigerant Safety Website which provides information of flammable refrigerants used in air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment in Hong Kong. The web link is attached below for your easy access:-
If you wish to share your experience on any projects involving use of flammable refrigerants in air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment (except use of R32 household air-conditioners), please feel free to contact EMSD - Mr Billy CHAN (tel. no. 2808 3841) or Ms Phoebe MA (tel. no. 2808 3836).
Thank you for your kind attention.
Gas Standards Office
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department